Health, Love, Happiness, & Prosperity In Our Lives

We all desire happiness in our lives. We look forward to those happy moments that have shown up now and then and cherish them with love in our hearts. But, what is happiness and why it seems to be but fleeting moments that come and go in installments? I believe the Heart has the answer. 


How great is the presence of our Hearts in our lives? How many times a day do we actually come from the heart in our interactions and decisions? How many times do we ask our heart, is this good for me or this what I truly want? How many conversations have you had with your heart in the last month or 10 years? 


Our hearts know best. It knows best than our minds do and also best than our emotions because those emotions come from the head. Emotions turn to feelings over time. 


See, our mind is divided in subconscious or lower mind, conscious mind or intellect, higher mind and universal consciousness. There are so many influences from all the memories, transactions, impressions, tendencies accumulated in our mind and at the different mind levels, that it is absolutely impossible and contra-productive to understand what we truly wish for us in our lives incoming from the mind. 


In other words, the mind is polluted with emotions, actions, ideas, thoughts, impressions from everything that have crossed our path. Human interactions and our interactions with everything in the world leave a footprint at a deep level that many times we can’t shake off even if we want. That means that we are not able to find purity and truth in our mind because it is overwhelmed with thoughts and polluted with things that are mostly not of our intrinsic and true nature. The mind has been influenced for years and years with all sorts of blueprints from ancestral lineage to present-day interaction that surrounds us in the daily life activities. 


Scientists have measured the heart and brain fields with EEGs and EKGs and have discovered that the heart electromagnetic field is thousands of times larger and more reaching that the brain field. Basically, the human body is composed of two brains and the one in the heart is more powerful, vibrationally supercharged, more important and biologically significant to us. This has many connotations in our lives. And, what I see is a clear answer to why we need to come from our hearts and not from our heads when living the life we dream of and desire to experience.


Now, back to Happiness. Why are we less happy and not happier? It is because we are not manifesting our desires, wishes, and functionality from our hearts, but from our heads. 


Manifesting our lives from the heart means to tune into the heart’s vibration and seek all answers to our questions from there, from the center of our true source of happiness.  Our heart is pure love and light and knows best who you are and what is best for you in every moment. It will not deceive you and it will not fail you ever. Our heads do fail us because the head brain is all we have accumulated during the years, but it is not us. The Heart is the Self. The head commands with confusion. Our hearts command with the truth. When we find our truth and live our truth we find happiness.


Happiness is not having more but enjoying more. Happiness is not striving to achieve more, but striving to feel, experience and be the real You more. Happiness is knowing that the universe is there for you and there is no reason to fear your life. Happiness is a feeling that life is not a burden, but a blessing.


Our Hearts know exactly what we need and how we need it and why and how much is needed. But, we should allow it to flourish and in this way interconnect with its vibration.


Connect with your hearts’ vibration more and more. Ask questions when in doubt, let is speak to you and your life will go from confusion and not knowing to a deep understanding and knowing only available in the heart. And yes, many other wonderful feelings will start to emerge such as love, compassion, kindness, inclusiveness, cooperation, and collaboration. 


True health and wholeness come from the heart. True knowing who you are and what you want comes from the heart. True life purpose and meaning come from the heart.


Make your Heart the center of your life and Happiness will show itself to you and not in installments, but it will sit with you in the core of your heart and will never leave you. Ever.

Be Happy! Live from your Heart!


Meditation!! Have you ever been introduced to the word Meditation?


Health, Healing, & Quantum Physics