Menopause and Climacteric Phase

These terms have been erroneously used interchangeably, we must differentiate them since they don’t mean the same situation. We have menopause which represents a natural event in women. This term designates the date of the last menstruation in a woman’s life due to the fact that the ovaries reduce the production of hormones, most commonly known as estrogen and progesterone. To determine this event, twelve consecutive months without menstruation have to be present. This marks the end of fertility. On the other side, the climacteric stage is when the woman’s life is mostly characterized by the loss of reproductive capacity. So is a time of gradual changes that come together with the cessation of menstrual function, and this is not a disease. This part of life is experienced differently by each woman.

The symptoms that may appear in the climacteric phase are:

1. Irregularities in the cycle

2. Hot flashes, sometimes with sweating and tachycardia

3. Sleep disorders

4. Psychological disorders: irritability, anxiety, anguish, increased emotional lability

5. Difficulty in concentration, memory, and learning

6. Dry skin and mucous membranes

7. Pain with intercourse

8. Decreased sexual desire

9. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

10. Increased risk of developing osteoporosis

It is a stage that should not be experienced as an end but as a new beginning. So if we are going to work in a way to spend this stage as healthy as possible, there are some fundamental details to address, like the acceptance of this phase, search for new life projects, advice and professional support, medical control, eliminating harmful habits, diet, physical exercise ad cooperation of the couple, if any.

The climacteric phase is a time of changes and sometimes, changes can generate fears. The best way to be prepared for and deal with them is to be informed so you know what to expect. Is important at this time to consult and get all those preventive measures to be a part of your life, so you can start with them at the right time and improve your quality of life for this phase, without wasting the tools that we have available at this time.

Is essential to maintain a good lifestyle like:

- Aerobic physical activity

- Keep an adequate, balanced diet, the right amount of vitamins (fundamentally D and E), minerals (calcium) and few saturated fats

- Maintain the ideal weight through the years

- Do not use tobacco

- No excessive use of caffeine or alcohol

- Reduce stress, talk to family and friends, laugh a lot, and reserve time for yourself.

Part of the hormone imbalance that can occur at this moment in the woman is important to check if is necessary to adjust with the right option depending on each case. Hormones are an important part of female well-being because women's body has a lot of different receptors of estrogen in different organs, that need this for their proper function (skin, vascular wall, bones, heart, brain, etc.)

Each woman is unique, she has her own needs and each one goes through this stage in a different way. However, many of the health problems that occur at this stage of life are preventable. That’s why a multidisciplinary team is capable of raising awareness, informing, guiding, and educating each woman for the best health care for her. Diagnosing any issues in an early stage gives us the perfect timing to address and offer the right option to help in this normal stage.


Tratamientos Revolucionarios: Revelando los Secretos de PRP (plasma rico en plaquetas) y Microneedling


Menopausia y Fase